
Our staff includes a licensed professional geoscientist as well as environmental scientists. We have extensive experience in soil and groundwater remediation projects, including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Investigations, and Phase III Remediation projects. We approach our remediation projects much like we do emergency response - we seek to implement cost effective, responsible, controlled solutions. A small sampling of our experience includes: 

Client: Law firm 
A Phase I ESA was performed on four producing oil and gas fields covering approximately 500 individual wells. Each field was assessed for oil spills or leaks from aboveground storage tanks, wellheads, separation facilities, valves, and piping. A naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) survey was performed at the tank batteries, separators, and wellhead equipment.  CURA also reviewed compliance placarding and security provisions and practices at each oil and gas field to ensure regulatory compliance. 

Client: National real estate investment trust 
A Phase I ESA was performed to ASTM standards on a 600 acre five star resort hotel located in an environmentally sensitive area along the shores of a bay along the Gulf Coast.  This investigation identified several RECs related to an on site dry cleaners, gas station, incinerator, sewage treatment plant with sludge ponds, skeet range, abandoned landfill, crude oil and gasoline pipelines, gas processing facility and compressor station, pesticide mixing facility, and an abandoned airfield.  RECs and potential assessment and remedial actions were discussed in the Phase I report, and RECs were ranked according to potential financial impact to the property.

Client: Law firm 
A Phase II subsurface investigation was performed in a major downtown metropolitan area.  The Phase II investigation was performed in response to a Phase I ESA which identified the area as a large fuel depot during World War II.  Fuel hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents were the principal contaminants of concern.  Over 40 permanent monitoring wells and numerous temporary wells and soil borings were installed and sampled.  Soil and groundwater contamination in the area was successfully characterized, and source areas were pinpointed.  Remedial options were identified and evaluated.  

Client: Real estate development company 
A Phase II subsurface investigation was performed on a multi-tenant strip shopping center. The Phase II investigation was performed in response to a Phase I ESA which identified two dry cleaners and possible historical petroleum hydrocarbon contamination beneath the site. Soil and groundwater samples obtained from several temporary monitoring wells installed across the site did indicate both soil and groundwater contamination from the dry cleaners and the historical petroleum hydrocarbon release. The site was recommended for admission to the State Voluntary Cleanup Program. 

Client: Major gasoline retailer 
An oxygen release compound (ORC) Corrective Action Plan was written, approved by the State, and implemented at a gasoline service station with BTEX contaminated groundwater. A total of 41 soil borings were installed and ORC injected into each boring into a discrete subsurface interval. Results were monitored according to an Operation, Maintenance and Performance plan over the following year. The ORC treatment reduced contaminant concentrations to levels protective of human health according to the site risk assessment. 

Client: Oil and gas operator  
CURA was retained by a major oil and gas operator who was involved in a dispute (with impending litigation) with a landowner over the remediation of an abandoned drilling location.  Two large mud pits containing water-based drilling mud contaminated with crude oil were present on the location.  Surface soil had been contaminated with motor oil and diesel fuel.  Drilling mud contaminated with crude oil and surface soil contaminated with motor oil and diesel was collected and excavated, properly manifested, and transported to a disposal facility.  Drilling mud was removed from the pits via vacuum trucks and disposed of on the property of a nearby landowner under a minor permit from the Texas Railroad Commission.  The remaining saturated soil in the pits was stabilized with quick lime and compacted.  The entire drillsite area was fertilized and hydromulched.  Following the remediation of the drillsite, the landowner inspected the property and CURA’s final closure report documenting remedial activities and subsequently dropped the lawsuit. 

For more information please contact us at or (972) 378-7333.

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